We give you ongoing support just a phone call away

We know how important it is to have a partner who is always there when you need them and who is quick to respond. Because your machines can’t stand still.

Our Customer Service makes the difference in your business.

A team of people with decades of vending experience just a phone call away. That’s another reason why Paytec is the right choice.


No ticket system. Directly call the Customer Service and speak to us immediately


Our team has decades of experience in vending, including non-Paytec systems.

Technical office

The Customer Service is positioned next to the technical office: you have two teams available with a phone call.

Many ways to talk to us

Many ways to contact us and interact with us including the Paytools app.

Fast and dedicated help

Call us directly to speak with us.

We evaluate the issue, if necessary with the Technical Office.

We guide you towards the solution.

If necessary, we will come to visit you.

No tickets, because we want to be your external support team

In case of critical issues, the operator cannot wait too long for a solution; that’s why our Customer Service is just a phone call away.

We don’t accept long waits: we are committed to answering you quickly or calling you back immediately if necessary, because we know how important it is to have specialists at your side who allow you to resolve problems quickly.

Customer Service and Technical  Office together to support you

The Customer Service team works alongside the Technical Office: in this way we can receive immediate answers on complex technical issues for your payment systems.

At Paytec, Customer Service is studied down to the smallest detail, because we know how important it is.

When you call theCustomer Service, you have a full team at your service.

Many ways to talk to us

  • The Customer Service responds directly to speed up the intervention;
  • You are called back quickly if needed;
  • We support you with Team Viewer through PC;
  • We communicate via WhatsApp;
  • You can send us an email;
  • We interact with the PayTools app

Many channels to get assistance whenever you need it.

A multi-level service, to always find the solution

  1. We respond immediately or call you back as soon as possible, because we know how precious time is when there are critical issues with payment systems;
  2. We solve the problem with you, guiding you in the most effective way to return to full operation;
  3. If necessary, we quickly send a new payment system or spare parts;
  4. If the issue is more complex than expected, we come to your location to give you the full support you are looking for.

Rely on who has more than 40 years of experience in Vending

Our Customer Service is your permanent support with years of experience, which allows us to quickly find solutions to the most complex problems and objectives.

We also know many other systems and, therefore, we know how to configure machines to set up the right interaction between different systems.

So you can work peacefully and have no problems.

+ 40

Years of experience in vending


Interventions resolved with a single phone call

Live support

Paytools is our remote payment system management app, which allows us to support you live:

  • We observe the payment system settings and change them if necessary;
  • We optimize the configuration, when you need a different set up;
  • You can download the system data and send it to us via the App
  • We carry out system diagnostics to better understand the situation and give you even more precise and faster support.
Fast set-up

Immediate data exchange

Real-time diagnostics

We are your consultants for everything
you need to know about vending

Choosing the systems

Don't know which payment system to buy? We can help you. We schedule a call and give you advice depending on your goals and priorities.


Do you want to expand your installations and need advice on how to best manage them? Call us, we are ready to give you advice and support.

Critical issues to resolve?

Do you have a problem with a payment system? Call us, we respond quickly and resolve in the shortest time possible, because we know how time is a precious commodity for you.

Case studies – See how we support you

Case Study 1 – Za Va

A great increase in the reliability of payment systems thanks to Paytec

The challenge

An incorrect price, a payment system that does not provide the correct change are small inconveniences that happen but which, if neglected, can give rise to a series of significant complications. Za.Va. explains to us that, since they implemented PayTools, Paytec's app for managing payment systems, in their vending machines, the impact of these small but annoying problems has been significantly reduced.

The solution

PayTools reaches its maximum potential when the app is used in combination with the PayCloud platform: in this case the configuration files are transferred directly from the PC to the Cloud, without need for other interventions and without the risk of errors.

A comment

“The use of the mobile phone for programming is a fundamental plus for us”. “Traditional programmers can be forgotten, break down or require updates, while the mobile phone is always ready and at hand. Even a less experienced colleague learns to use the app in a few moments, and if it encounters an unexpected event, we connect with Teamviewer and support it as if we were there.”

Case Study 2 – STM Vending

The right payment for each location

The challenge

STM Vending was the protagonist of an interesting national project throughout Spain, consisting of the installation of over 200 machine stations that dispense illy coffee. These include very different types of locations: modern coffee corners in offices, traditional coffee vending machines also in highly frequented places, in service stations, ... which therefore serve very different audiences, and therefore require a series of differentiated payments systems. The payment solutions offered range from coins, keys and digital payments, often with a combination of multiple methods, to meet the needs of all potential customers and maximize sales.

The solution

A comment

“Among the things I appreciate most about Paytec products is undoubtedly their reliability, the result of many years of presence on the market,” says Manuel Martínez, general director of STM Vending. “In my career I have seen many key systems, many have disappeared and in any case they do not work as they should. Paytec key readers have been on the market for a long time, it gives security because you know it works. Another fundamental aspect is the speed of technical assistance. Nowadays time is of the essence, every issue must be addressed as quickly as possible. With Paytec I have a very efficient communication channel and this really makes a difference in solving and even preventing any problems.”

Case Study 3 – EOS

Data and collaboration as key factor for success

The challenge

The approach of structured companies such as EOS of Izano (CR) is mainly based on correct use of data. Each event relating to the machines represents a fundamental source of information to guarantee a high level of service. Although it requires method and commitment, this is the safest way to work correctly and professionally. Paolo Vezzoli explains: “Whatever happens, I like to understand what the problem is: is it our fault, is it the customer's fault, is someone trying to take advantage? If we have the data, we can verify. Paytec has always been extremely collaborative in this aspect.”

The solution

For years, EOS has relied on the combination Caiman EXE - Coin acceptor in MDB - PayTools to collect this data. Caiman EXE detects all sales events, both with cash and with keys or credit cards, making them available for data exchange with a possible telemetry system. This allows you to have immediate feedback on the distributor's activity and to always keep sales data updated. Configuration and audit data collection can be done using a wide range of tools and technologies, including the PayTools app or the IrDa interface embedded in the key reader. The audit also includes all information relating to the MDB coin mechanism, including the quantities of coins present in the individual tubes. Naturally, all this requires great reliability of the systems, first and foremost in their main function of accepting coins and returning change or reading keys.

A comment

Paolo Vezzoli states: “In over twenty years of collaboration, naturally there has been no shortage of challenges and difficulties. However, thanks to the constant and timely support provided to us by the company, we have always been able to quickly address and resolve problems and satisfy the needs of customers who have arisen. The reactivity and attention that the company Paytec dedicates to us have allowed us to overcome even the most complex moments together, strengthening our relationship of trust and mutual esteem over time.

Case Study 4 – Cafès Novells

Sharing values

The challenge

Cafès Novell was founded in 1958 as a coffee roaster. From the beginning the company has chosen to follow a philosophy based on uncompromising quality and with the utmost attention to the environment: only the best grains are used, processed in a natural way, without chemical products and with 100% compostable packaging. The search for high standards also extends to the choice of suppliers. For payment systems in vending machines, Cafès Novells has collaborated with Paytec for many years. The success of this collaboration is due to the synergy between two fundamental values: the high technological quality of the products and attention to the person.

The solution

A comment

Juan Carlos of Cafès Novells: “the attitude of our two companies is to ask ourselves what the customer's needs are today and what they will be tomorrow and, possibly, anticipate them. For his constant support in this visionary approach I would also like to thank Giovanni (Ferrari, Paytec customer service), who, both from a technical and human point of view, provides continuous assistance by carefully managing any request from our customer service.``

Our customers are our best result

Through gaining experience in various economic ods, our team are able to identify the best opportunities we are in good times or bad.

Cliente 1


Through gaining experience in various economic ods, our team are able to identify the best opportunities we are in good times or bad.

Cliente 2


Through gaining experience in various economic ods, our team are able to identify the best opportunities we are in good times or bad.

Cliente 3
